
The examples/ directory contains Markdown files that demonstrate Draft commands.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new project: draft create-project 'New Project'
  2. Navigate to the project’s root directory: cd new-project
  3. Download the examples/ folder into the new-project/ directory: svn checkout https://github.com/edelgm6/draft/trunk/examples
  4. Copy all of the files in examples/ into your new-project/ root directory

Trying the Commands

parse, stats, outline, and compile


parse.md contains the first chapters of Moby Dick and can be used to build out a starter file tree.

  1. Ensure your terminal is navigated to new-project/ root directory and that parse.md is in the same folder
  2. Run draft parse parse.md

You should now find a starting file tree based on the contents of parse.md in the project/ folder.


  1. Run draft stats

You’ll now have a printout of the word count, section count, chapter count, and sub-chapter count


  1. Run draft outline

This creates outline.md which is a Markdown file showing the basic outline of your project.


  1. Run draft compile

This compiles your entire project into a single Markdown file, Moby Dick.md.


split.md contains a paragraph from Moby Dick where each paragraph takes up a single line. To make writing and change tracking in Git easier, we want to use draft split to put each sentence on its own line.

  1. Ensure your terminal is navigated to the same folder containing split.md
  2. Run draft split split.md

split.md will now have each of its sentences on a discrete line.

If you’ve already tried the parse, stats, outline, and compile example, you can run draft split to act on every file across the entire project/ folder.


sequence/ contains a project with files that have a duplicate sequence: - Call Me Ishmael.md and Manhattoes.md both have the same sequence of 1 - There is no 2 sequence

To show how the draft sequence command fixes this:

  1. Make sure your project/ folder is completely empty
  2. Move sequence/ into the project folder
  3. Run draft sequence

You will be prompted to choose which of the 1 indexed files should go first. Whichever you choose will become the new 1 sequence and the other will be come the 2 sequence.